Complexo Brasil

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Bringing together works of art, videos, musical pieces and several documents, Complexo Brasil aims to problematise the centuries-old relations between Brazil and Portugal, promoting a context of dialogue between the two countries, often defined by mutual ignorance.

Curated by José Miguel Wisnik, Milena Britto and Guilherme Wisnik, the exhibition is not conceived as a simple display of objects, but as a journey of experiences that intends to dissolve stereotypes and open up new perspectives of understanding.

Projected by Daniela Thomas, the exhibition takes over the two galeries in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Main Building, and is accompanied by a programme of activities (tba) and a publication, which amplifies the investigation led by the curatorial team.




José Miguel Wisnik 
Milena Britto 
Guilherme Wisnik 


Daniela Thomas 


Gê Viana, Radiola de Promessa (detail), from the series 'Atualização Traumática de Debret', 2022. Digital collage

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation reserves the right to collect and keep records of images, sounds and voice for the diffusion and preservation of the memory of its cultural and artistic activity. For further information, please contact us through the Information Request form.

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