The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is committed to helping ensure a sustainable future for our planet and people by prioritising sustainability in our overall strategy.
The Foundation contributes to a more sustainable and equitable society in Portugal and internationally through three dimensions – our operations, our investments, and our grants and cultural activities.
The Foundation has been at the forefront of environmental stewardship, optimising the performance of the Foundation’s buildings, the Garden and activities, with emphasis on the use of natural resources. The Foundation has held environmental and quality certifications (ISO 14001 and ISO 9001) since 2012.
Through rigorous monitoring and continuous improvement, the Foundation strives to reduce energy consumption and waste, conserve resources and reduce its carbon footprint, embedding sustainability in all operations. A significant number of investments and initiatives have been deployed spanning areas such as energy efficiency, catering, exhibitions, digitalisation and reporting.
Our Sustainability grant-making programme channels funding towards organisations that will help accelerate climate action and drive positive social change for the most vulnerable. Its flagship initiative is the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity, a 1 million euro prize which rewards outstanding contributions to climate action and climate solutions that inspire hope and possibility.
We recognise the special role of the arts in shifting conversations and pioneering progress, and the Foundation, our museum and modern art gallery are using our platforms to promote sustainability and explore the connection between culture, science, and climate.
As set out in our 2023-2027 strategy, the Foundation will continue to invest in sustainable practices, engage employees in sustainability initiatives, partner with other organisations and report transparently on progress. We are determined to have a positive impact on environmental protection and global efforts to tackle climate change, as well as to inspire and mobilise others.