Citizen Science

Bringing science and society closer together.


Ciência + Cidadã, an Active Citizenship Program – a partnership between IGC, ITQB NOVA and Oeiras Municipality – promotes:

  1. an open dialogue between citizens, scientists and political representatives, through citizen assemblies and other participatory initiatives;
  2. an active citizenship, through citizen science projects that engage citizens in the discovery of the science in their municipality and in the protection and preservation of its natural resources and biological heritage.

This program’s main mission is to promote science as the starting point for well-informed and participative citizens, who become change makers in their communities, towards a more healthy,sustainable and resilient future.

Citizen Assemblies

With the goal of increasing the dialogue between scientists, citizens and decision-makers, participants are asked to reflect and discuss topics at the intersection of science and society.

Carbon Tree Project

The first citizen science project developed by the program, in which citizen-scientists investigate air quality in their communities.





Câmara Municipal de Oeiras          ITQB

Updated on 25 march 2021

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