Gulbenkian Senior Fellows

The IGC recognises the importance of increasing its critical mass to foster cross-disciplinarity research.  Moreover, it is part of IGC´s mission to internationalize its research by promoting international networks and collaborations.

The Gulbenkian Senior Fellows (GSF) are scientists that work in areas that complement ongoing research at the IGC and are internationally recognised by their excellence. These individuals have their laboratories operating in another country or outside of the Lisbon area in PT and join the IGC for short recurrent visits of at least a total of 3 weeks per year. GSFs are expected to participate actively in mentoring of IGC PIs, postdocs and students, in advanced training and major scientific events (e.g. group leader retreat) when possible. They are also expected to assist IGC in recruitment processes, as well as in other activities that may contribute to the mission of the IGC, when possible.  They may also foster links and activities between the IGC and their home institution. The IGC will provide shared office space as well as paying for the GSF´s visits (travel and accommodation if needed). GSFs are appointed and become affiliated to the IGC for an initial period of two years, after which their contribution and desire to continue is considered. Their status can be extended for further 3 years. 

GSFs are encouraged to apply for grants with the IGC, in particular together with a resident IGC group leader as co-PI to develop research projects at the IGC. They can have shared scientific supervision of postdoctoral fellows and students together with IGC PIs, however will not run an isolated team at the IGC. GSFs can use IGC facilities at internal prices and a budget can be discussed to catalyse internal collaborations. Senior Fellows are appointed by the Direction but names should be suggested and supported by several resident PIs. GSFs are invited to propose a plan for their interaction with the IGC to the IGC direction, thus ensuring the alignment of objectives and strategy, and meet annually with the direction to discuss how best to promote the synergy. There should be no more than 5 GSFs at any given time. Work performed at the IGC should have IGC affiliation and intellectual property generated at the IGC will be negotiated with the Institution of origin.


Current Fellows 


Pedro Beltrão, Professor at the Department of Biology, at Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, Zurich, is the first Gulbenkian Senior Fellow (GSF)a program launched by the IGC Collaborative Centre to foster collaboration in science. Pedro is a Professor at the Department of Biology, at ETH Zurich and his group studies the consequences of genetic variation with interest in individual trait variation. Pedro research group is interested in the relationship between genotype and phenotype, personalized medicine and specialized in the study of post-translational regulatory processes.



Updated on 19 may 2022

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