Results CEEC at IGC

03 nov 2020

Two IGC researchers among the 300 with contracts awarded under the 3rd edition of the Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus Competition (CEEC), an initiative promoted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia  (FCT) aimed to doctoral researchers in all scientific areas.

Maria João Amorim in the category of Principal Investigator and Sofia Moreira (from Elias Barriga lab) in the Junior Researcher category, are part of the 58% of the women candidates selected in the 3rd edition of the competition.

According to FCT, 3,648 applications were evaluated, in a classification process carried out by 25 international panels. Of the total, 1,675 obtained a minimum grade to be eligible for financing. The 300 applications selected for contract correspond to 18% of the eligible applications. 

The contracts are divided into four categories: 157 for Junior Researcher, 114 for Assistant Researcher, 27 for Principal Researcher and 2 for Coordinating Researcher. Researchers of foreign nationality represent 27% of the total and the most representative countries are Spain, with 33 researchers, Italy, with 16, France, with 7, and Germany, with 6.

The employment contracts must be signed between the researchers and the host institutions within 90 days after the signature of the program contracts between them and the FCT.

The CEEC Individual is one of the financing instruments for hiring researchers defined by the Regulation of Scientific Employment launched in 2017 by FCT. Throughout its three editions, a total of 1,100 contracts have already been awarded to doctoral researchers. The next edition of the contest will run until the end of this year. 

More information: FCT website.

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