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No IGC decorrem semanalmente diversos seminários, uma iniciativa que pretende reunir todos os investigadores em torno dos temas em debate.

As sessões, com investigadores internos ou convidados, contribuem para estimular a cultura aberta e extremamente colaborativa própria do IGC.

Pode consultar o resumo deste seminário em inglês.

Rhythmic spontaneous contractions of body walls, such as those of the gastrointestinal tract, are a ubiquitous phenomenon in the animal kingdom. Studies in mice and humans have implied that intestinal dysmotility is associated with a disturbed microbiota, but the causal relationship has been unclear. Here, by applying experimental and theoretical approaches in the model Hydra, we provide functional evidence that reducing the frequency of spontaneous body wall contractions alters the fluid microenvironment near the tissue surface and thereby modifies the composition of the colonizing microbiota. Our findings suggest that spontaneous contractions of body walls enhance the transport of chemical compounds from and to the tissue surface where the bacteria reside, thus shaping and stabilizing the host-microbe associations.




Thomas Bosch
Kiel University – Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel


Luís Teixeira e Karina Xavier

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