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Call for applications

The Gulbenkian Programme for Portuguese Language and Culture (PGLCP) promotes four different call for applications intended to support the development of language, culture and performing arts, through actions aiming at internationalization, innovation and experimentation in the artistic, scientific and educational fields.

Research in Portuguese Language and Culture fields

April, 1 to 30
Support will be granted to projects for research and advanced studies in the fields of Portuguese Language and Culture. Priority will be given to projects related to specific areas as Linguistics, Philology and Portuguese Didactics, and also Humanities, particularly, History, Art Studies, Literature, Philosophy and Cultural Studies. The support is intended to public and private institutions of higher education, research centers or other similar entities, national and foreigners.



International Circulation in Dance and Theatre

January, 15 – November, 30

Support to projects that promote and disseminate the international circulation of Portuguese creation and production in Dance and Theater. This includes the presentation of performances on the international scenarios; residences in international structures; hosting foreign professionals in national artistic structures. Candidates may be Portuguese creators or foreign creators living and working in Portugal in an individual capacity or be represented by Portuguese production companies.
Application in Portuguese only

Application in Portuguese only


Open calls for International Circulation in Cinema

January, 15 – November, 30

Support to projects that promote and disseminate the international circulation of Portuguese filmmaking or programming in film, in co-production with international partners, directed primarily to creators or producers in early international career. Candidates may be Portuguese creators or foreign creators living and working in Portugal in an individual capacity or be represented by Portuguese production companies.

Application in Portuguese only
Updated on 24 may 2018

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