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Study on youth political engagement in Portugal

What is the participation of young people in the future of democracy? What strategies do political parties use to mobilise young people? What other forms of civic and political activism exist in Portugal?

The Study on “Political participation of youth in Portugal” aims to answer to these and other questions, analysing the political participation of young people in Portugal comparatively over the last decades and describing their attitudes and behaviour in politics, namely their relationship with political parties and associative structures, as well as the emerging forms of youth activism.



Panel 1 Pedro Magalhães, Patrício Costa, Patrícia Silva, Pedro Ferreira, José Tavares (Moderator)
Panel 2 José Tavares, Alice Ramos, Isabel Menezes, Luís Lobo Xavier, Raquel Vaz-Pinto (Moderator)
Panel 3 Fredilson Melo, Mário Amaro, Rita Almeida, Diana Duarte (Moderator)




Find out more about the conference, its programme and speakers.

Updated on 11 april 2022

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