The role of carers in preventing violence against older people

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Created in 2019 by the Portuguese victim support association APAV – Associação de Apoio à Vítima, with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Portugal Mais Velho initiative aims to prevent and intervene in situations of abuse and violence against older people.

This conference is part of the third phase of this initiative – Portugal Mais Velho – Capacitar e Apoiar Pessoas Idosas Vítimas de Crime e Violência (Portugal Getting Older: Empowering and Supporting Elderly Victims of Crime and Violence) – and will focus on the role of carers of the elderly, whether as family members or social workers. The aim is to discuss and understand how carers can play a role in preventing and signposting violence against the people they care for.

The programme includes two panels of speakers with vast experience in the subject, who will share their knowledge from different perspectives, such as justice, health and care institutions. 


09:00 / Registration

09:30 / Opening session

Luís Jerónimo – Director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Sustainability and Equity ProgramJoão Lázaro – Executive President of APAV - Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima

09:50 / 5 years of the Portuguese Accompanied Adult Regime: assessment and challenges

The Justice System Perspective
Inês Robalo – State Prosecutor, Advisor to the Office of the Prosecutor General
The Health perspective
Alexandre Castro Caldas – Neurologist, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences of Portuguese Catholic University
The carers perspective
Maria do Rosário Zincke dos Reis – President of the Alzheimer Portugal Association
Estrela Chaby – Deputy Ombudsman— Coffee break 20 min. —

11:20 / The role of caregivers in preventing and signaling violence

Follow up, violence and crime: legal aspects
Joana Silva Aroso – Lawyer, Managing Partner of the Longevity+ Desk, JPAB - José Pedro Aguiar-Branco Advogados
What is the role of family caregivers?
Marta Mendes – Manager of the Braga's Victim Support Office and APAV MAIS - Support for Elderly Victims of Crime and Violence
What is the role of carers in institutions?
Laura Oliveira – Technical director of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Castelo de Paiva
Paula Guimarães – Social entrepreneur

12:20 / Closing remarks: The future of the Portuguese Accompanied Adult Regime

Paula Guimarães – Social Entrepreneur

12:50 / Closing session

Amadeu Guerra – Prosecutor General Cristina Casalinho – Executive Trustee of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

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