Short Term Grant for Armenian Studies
Qualified students (Master or PhD degree), academics and researchers in Armenian Studies wishing to attend international conferences or summer courses, to undertake field research or pursue small research projects, or to engage in other relevant activities related to their work.
Application Open
For Master or PhD degree students or researchers in the field of Armenian Studies, wishing to conduct field research or pursue small research projects, or to engage in other relevant activities related to their work (including international conference attendance or summer school participation).
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is giving the possibility to qualified students, academics, and researchers in Armenian Studies to participate in activities related to their field of studies/research, encouraging academic interaction and exchange of knowledge and ideas. The grant amount is based on proposals received. The maximum amount is 5000 Euros in this scholarship category.
Note that “Armenian Studies” is understood in a broad sense and is not confined to “Area Studies”. It includes politics, sociology, cultural studies, archaeology, history and other disciplines within the social sciences and humanities.
The evaluation of completed applications received until the last day of each month occurs during the first 10 days of the following month. Decisions will be conveyed to candidates through “mygulbenkian” within six weeks of submission.
Eligibility Conditions
Note that if you are a researcher in Armenian Studies in Armenia wishing to participate in a conference or workshop abroad, you should apply to the Short Term Conference and Travel Grant for students and young academics in Armenia.
How to Apply
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any doubts about your application, please check our Frequently Asked Questions