
Supporting Social Change – The Role of Social Investment

Translating Culture

Blue New Deal: Good jobs for coastal communities through healthy seas

Investing to tackle loneliness: a discussion paper

Transitions in Later Life: Summary of Research and Consultation

Supporting Social Change: A New Funding Ecology

Hidden citizens: How can we identify the most lonely adults?

Annual Review 2014-15

Building a Coalition of Collaborators in 2015

Promising approaches to reducing loneliness and isolation in later life

The health and wellbeing of grandparents caring for grandchildren: The role of cumulative advantage/disadvantage

Social Solutions: Enabling grass-roots charities to tackle poverty

The Unusual Suspects Festival 2014 Programme

Transitions in Later Life: Scoping Research

Making a strategic shift towards early action

Greening the Economy 2009-13

Alone in the crowd: loneliness and diversity

The Inventive Foundation: creating new ventures in Europe