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Variable New World

6 and 20 May, 3 June – Online conference


This three-session cycle will explore the connection between science and society as a fundamental tool to overcome the  COVID19 crisis and to build a new reality. In the exceptional times that we are living through, that connection is clearer than ever. And indeed, it shall be thanks to science, vaccines, and mathematical models, as well as to the behavior of citizens and the decisions of our politicians, that we will overcome this pandemic.

The first session of the cycle will explore scientific, socio-economic and ethical issues involved in using data and individual immunity as a key to returning to an active life. The second session will address the relevance of fundamental science and the scientific process, as well as the mobilization of the whole of society to respond to this crisis, and how to maintain the articulation between government agencies, research centres and civil society in the future. The third session will consist of a reflection on what can be learned from a pandemic, from the scientific hypotheses about the emergence of new infectious diseases to the construction of a healthier and more sustainable future.




Updated on 11 may 2020

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