Fernão Cruz: ‘I’m interested in bringing this tragedy to life in a laughable way’
Artist Fernão Cruz shares the creative process behind the works shown in the 'Morder o Pó' exhibition.
Artist Fernão Cruz shares the creative process behind the works shown in the 'Morder o Pó' exhibition.
The days get shorter and damper, the rain and wind set in and the temperatures drop. The natural world rests. But is that really so?
In this text by researcher Vera Mariz, follow Calouste Gulbenkian's trip to Jerusalem in 1934.
The first keynote speaker at the Isto é PARTIS & Art for Change conference on January 26 is co-founder of the "Citizens in Power" organization in the UK and shows us possible paths to a more participatory future.
With the project Correspondentes do Bairro ["Neighbourhood Correspondents"], Inês de Sousa realized that all stories are valid and can be published, she learned how to ask questions like a journalist and how to spot fake news. But is this really what she wants to pursue in life? No. She wants to be a teacher
Ricardo Fitas was Gulbenkian grantee 2017 and 2022. With a remarkable academic record, he is now pursuing a solid research career in mechanical engineering and wants to give back what he has been given and pave the way for future grantees.
The gastronomic habits and preferences of Calouste Gulbenkian in a communication that focuses on the gourmet side of the Collector.
One of the seminal works in the history of thought, The Incoherence of Philosophers, was recently published by the Gulbenkian Foundation. In this interview, translator Catarina Belo helps us understand its context.
From a library to a gospel book, researcher Vera Mariz sheds light on Calouste Gulbenkian's gifts to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
The Gulbenkian Orchestra performers Dmitri Shoskovich's Symphony No. 5. under the direction of its Chief Conductor, Hannu Lintu.
A commission of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to the Israeli composer Adam Maor, performed by the Gulbenkian Orchestra and pianists Antoine Françoise and Gilles Grimaître, under the baton of Hannu Lintu.
Discover some of the beaches, from the centre to the south of Portugal, described by writers and illustrated with photographs taken by the Novais Brothers.
In the Middle Ages, Catholic texts were populated by themes from Ancient Egypt. Profane literature was also influenced by the imagery of this period, in the transition to the Renaissance. Find out how these connections are reflected in the illuminated manuscripts of the Gulbenkian collection in this text by the curator Ana Maria Campino.
Under the leadership of Hannu Lintu, the Gulbenkian Orchestra and Choir perform Mahler's monumental "Resurrection" Symphony.
The imagery of Ancient Egypt has always influenced plastic and literary creation in Europe. In this text by conservator Ana Maria Campino, discover the impact of this historical period on 18th century publications.
Whether a festive occasion or a private gathering, mealtimes were extremely important and symbolic in the French court. Curator Ana Maria Campino writes about the representation of these moments in the eighteenth-century books and prints in the Gulbenkian Collection.
The artist's new work, acquired by CAM in 2021, is part of a series of inhabited interiors. It was on display in 2023 in the "Histories of a Collection" exhibition.
The Iraq-Mediterranean Oil Pipeline, the world's first transnational oil pipeline, went into operation in 1935, having been built by the Iraq Petroleum Company Limited, consortium in which Calouste Gulbenkian owned his famous 5% share.
Discover humanity’s connection to the ocean and nature in ‘this film, part of “The Climate and Us” series, produced for the Global Climate and Health Alliance by BBC StoryWorks, with funding from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Discover some of the luxury hotels in Portugal built between the 1930s and 1960s, designed by architects in collaboration with artists.
The three members of the collective 目[mé] tell us about Masayume's presentation in Lisbon and how the public received the installation that opened the Season of Contemporary Art from Japan.
Records relating to Calouste Gulbenkian's acquisitions of artworks from the Hermitage Museum in "Operation Hermitage".
Visual artist and poet Julianknxx talks about his visit to Lisbon in connection to the series 'Black Corporeal', produced in partnership with the Iminente Festival and featuring the Gospel Collective choir.
We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the publication of the book “O mundo é a nossa casa”, one of the first texts designed for a children's audience to contain an ecological message, in Portugal, at a time when the degradation of the planet's environmental conditions was still far from dramatically threatening the life of all species that inhabit it.