Devir na Horta da Areia
[Devir at Horta da Areia]
The Horta da Areia neighbourhood is located in an isolated area of the city of Faro, beyond the train tracks. This physical barrier is one of several others – cultural, socio-economic – that separate the residents of the neighbourhood, most of whom are Roma, from those living in other parts of the city.
Devir’s project in Horta da Areia aims to expand the experiences of the Roma women of Horta da Areia, usually confined to the neighbourhood’s geographic limits. Through artistic and creative practices, such as theatre and dance, and by sharing the stage with women from other contexts, the project aims to promote the integration of these women beyond the boundaries of the neighbourhood and the creation of more complete and stimulating lives for all the participants.
The project also promotes reflection on what divides and unites these women, both in the personal and in the collective/community spheres.
With artistic coordination by José Laginha, Devir na Horta da Areia was one of the projects supported by the 1st edition of the PARTIS & Art for Change initiative.