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Gulbenkian Foundation at the UN Ocean Conference

Gulbenkian will be participating in 18 events at the United Nations Ocean Conference, where it will present its latest project in this area: Gulbenkian Blue Carbon.
27 jun 2022

The second United Nations Ocean Conference begins today in Lisbon, bringing together representatives from countries and organisations from around the world to mobilise partnerships, increase investment and adopt solutions to reverse the decline in ocean health.

Aimed at strengthening its role in preserving the Ocean and giving visibility to the work it has been doing for almost a decade in promoting scientific knowledge and public awareness of the importance of the ocean for human prosperity and sustainable development, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will be present – as the host or participant – in 18 of the Conference’s events throughout the week.

The Foundation’s participation begins today, 27 June, at the One Sustainable Ocean room of the Portugal Pavilion, with a session dedicated to startups in the area of blue biotechnology, in which the experience of the Blue Bio Value acceleration programme will be shared. This session will be followed by the presentation of the Foundation’s new project: the Gulbenkian Blue Carbon project.

Download the document to see all the events organised and co-organised by or with the participation of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation at the second United Nations Ocean Conference, from 27 June to 1 July. 

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