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Emergency fund for artists and cultural institutions

30 mar 2020

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is providing emergency support to those in the artistic sector who are affected by the measures taken to stop the Covid-19 pandemic and have had their projects cancelled and their activities suspended.

This Emergency Fund is aimed to the cultural institutions that work in areas where the Foundation usually intervenes: Visual Arts, Dance, Music and Theatre.

Artists, technicians and other specialized professionals can apply, even if they are young and their activity is recent. The financial aid is also destined to non-profit private organizations of artistic production that have had their activities cancelled (such as concerts, shows or exhibitions) as a result of the measures taken to stop the pandemic.

This is the case of Portuguese artists or artists who have been living and working in Portuguese territory at least for the past six months, but also of the technicians and other specialized personnel who were hired for concerts, shows or exhibitions and have suffered from the cancelling of these events.

The structures of artistic production can also apply to the funds in order to compensate for the predicted general and personnel costs and to assure that they can preserve jobs and have the necessary conditions to resume their activity.

The financial aids have a maximum amount of 2500 Euros for artists and 20 000 Euros for cultural institutions and structures of artistic production.

The applications will be selected by the Board of Trustees of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and by a specialized jury. They must be submitted between March 30 and April 6.

This initiative is a part of the Covid-19 Emergency Fund (a total of 5M Euros) created by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in response to the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus.

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