Study on the Average Wage in Portugal
What is the average wage in Portugal? How has it evolved over the last twenty years? What impact did increases in the minimum wage and schooling have on its growth? Is Portugal following the trend of its European partners?
The average wage is one of the main indicators of the economic well-being of a society, and the impact of the remuneration obtained by workers results from both the fluctuation of economic activity and the fluctuation of employment. The study “The Average Wage in Portugal – Current profile and recent trends”, commissioned by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and coordinated by University of Minho, with the collaboration of ISCSP (University of Lisbon), describes the evolution of wages since the introduction of the euro, in 2002, until 2017, thus covering several cycles of the Portuguese economy. The study also presents trends in wages for different types of workers from diverse sectors of economic activity and contributes to increasing knowledge and sensitivity regarding this issue. The study, far from wanting to talk about politics, is complemented by three reports that allowed to cover the perspectives of different authors and universities on the growth of wages in Portugal.