Mentes que Sentem

Isto é PARTIS & Art for Change 2023

Event Slider

A play that brings together stories of mental health challenges from participants in the SenteMente project, supported by the PARTIS & Art for Change initiative.

Mentes que Sentem [Minds that Feel] was created by Companhia de Teatro de Sintra as a result of the participatory art project “SenteMente – práticas artísticas sobre o bem-estar e saúde mental em mulheres” [SenteMente – Artistic Practices on Well-being and Mental Health in Women], developed under the PARTIS & Art for Change programme.

The play gathers the testimonials and stories of the project participants in an effort to reduce the stigma around mental disorders, such as depression. On stage, this group of non-professional actresses shares a quilt of stories, lend their voices to each other and narrate their experiences, in an inevitable path of resilience.

Duration 50 min. 
Photo © Filipa Vieira

More info about the project


Susana C. Gaspar

Staging assistant 

Paula Pedregal


collective creation

Music composition assistant

Inês Silva


Amarilis Silvestre, Catarina Borges, Durbis Mujica, Elisabete Baptista, Elisabete Borges, Emiliana Semedo, Isabel Felismino, Liliana Rosário, Lisandra Borges, Luísa Francisco, Marah Borges, Maria Helena Osório, Maria Quintela, Maria Teresa Cabral, Marília Conniott, Yeri Varela

Voice over

Lúcia Campos
Nádia Alves


collective creation

Production director

Nuno Correia Pinto

Executive Production

Cláudia Faria

Direction and Production secretary

Cristina Costa


Luiz Quaresma

Light Design

Marco Lopes – Show Ventura


Chão de Oliva

Supported by

Direção-Geral das Artes
Câmara Municipal de Sintra


Fundação Aga Khan
Jangada d’Emoções
Câmara Municipal de Sintra – Divisão de Educação e Juventude
Junta de Freguesia de Algueirão Mem-Martins
Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa

Supported by

An initiative by

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation reserves the right to collect and keep records of images, sounds and voice for the diffusion and preservation of the memory of its cultural and artistic activity. For further information, please contact us through the Information Request form.

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