Europe through the lens of black women

Film cycle Africanities and Their Human Landscapes

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The film cycle Africanities and Their Human Landscapes brings to the Summer Garden a selection of nine fiction films, divided into three sessions.

The third and final session of this cycle features two films produced by people from the African diaspora in Europe, promoting a reflection on film, power, poetics, black women, the politics of affections and colonial continuities.

Refusing to tell stories that reinforce stereotypes, these films propose a contextualisation of the current European reality from the opposing and accurate viewpoint of different black women who share similar experiences and visions around the legacies of the present.

The session is introduced by Pocas Pascoal, with mediation by Maíra Zenun.

The film cycle Africanities and Their Human Landscapes gathers a selection of nine fiction, documentary and experimental films, including shorts and features, presenting the public with a relevant overview of recent productions.

The works are part of a production that flourished with the race pictures in the United States and the struggles for independence in Africa, between the 1950s and 1970s, and has continued to grow and improve, always focused on the vision of black people.

In the summer of 2024, a year that celebrated dates as important as the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April and the 100th anniversary of Amílcar Cabral's birth, we're going to unveil these stories, listen to their versions of time and let ourselves be carried away by the poetics that make up this black cinematography, which is increasingly interesting, plural, powerful and potent.

This cycle makes visible what can no longer be hidden: that Europe is diverse, made up of people from various cultures, creeds and backgrounds, people who, on a daily basis, make up the foundations and pillars of our society.


Image: Still from the film filme Deslocamentos, Paraíso e Caos, by Tila Chitunda

Summer Garden 2024

This event is part of the Summer Garden 2024, a free-entry festival with concerts, DJ sets, talks, films and workshops. Learn more



Mariannes Noires (2017)

Mame-Fatou Niang and Kaytie Nielsen
The recent violent and the growing nationalism in France have triggered fierce debates around the country's identity. In Mariannes Noires, seven women of African and Caribean descent, born in France, reveal what means to be black and French; to be black in France. They are entrepreneurs, academics, filmmakers, dancers and artists, with an openness rooted in a cultural space that spans from metropolitan France to Africa and its many diasporas. This documentary is a mosaic of seven narratives that unveil a multicultural France.
Duration: 83’

Deslocamentos, Paraíso e Caos (2020)

Tila Chitunda
The film reflects upon the filmmaker's place in the world by portraying the issue of racism, which everyone knows exists, but no one wants to admit that they practice. It touches on the filmmaker's own story of diaspora between the three continents – America, Africa and Europa – that inhabit her existence. Tila is Brazilian, and the daughter of Angolan immigrants that moved to Pernambuco, in Brazil, and is married to a Swiss man, with whom she has two kids.
Duration: 9’


Mariannes Noires

Screenplay: Mame-Fatou Niang and Kaytie Nielsen
Edition: Kaytie Nielsen
Camera assistant: Heather Cowie
Cast: Iris Beaumier, Isabelle Boni-Claverie, Bintou Dembélé, Alice Diop, Elisabeth Ndala, Fati Niang, Maboula Soumahoro, Aline Tacite

Deslocamentos, Paraíso e Caos

Screenplay, photography, edition: Tila Chitunda
Screenplay advisory: Amandine Goisbault and Francine Barbosa
Graphic art: Amandine Goisbault
Production: Tilovita Produções
Sound design: Catarina Apolônio
Music: Kendrick Scott
Colour correction: Tiago Campos
Archival images: Tila Chitunda's personal archive, Coletivo Negritude Audiovisual PE, Instagram Daniel Koch, Marc Ferrez / Gilberto Ferrez Collection / Instituto Moreira Salles Collection
Cultural support: Mesmo Assim a gente faz and Coletivo Negritude Audiovisual PE
Film directed by invitation of Instituto Moreira Salles through the programme IMS Quarentena – Programa Convida.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation reserves the right to collect and keep records of images, sounds and voice for the diffusion and preservation of the memory of its cultural and artistic activity. For further information, please contact us through the Information Request form.


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