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Circle and Grid. History, Science and Design

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  • Monday, 09:00


Auditorium 3 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
A curious manuscript gave rise to the fifth edition of «Power of the Word». In this conference, a panel of speakers interprets this work from various perspectives, ranging from mathematics to design.


This conference is held in the context of the exhibition Power of the Word. A Gift for the Emperor: Circles of Knowledge and puts into discussion its underlying centrepiece: the 19th-century Arabic manuscript of the Tuḥfat al-Khāqān, a stunning and enigmatic collection of encyclopaedic diagrams.

The object will be approached in a dual way: from a conceptual-historical angle and from a visual-graphic design aspect, by both academic specialists and contemporary designers and calligraphers.

The topics under discussion will be the relations between metaphysics and geometry, between esoteric and cosmological sciences, and the transfer of knowledge through Eurasian cultures, from Antiquity to modern times.



Collaboration. The RUTTER project has received funding from the European Research Council — ERC — under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 833438).


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