Bia Ferreira
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Jardim das OndasGulbenkian Garden
Bia Ferreira is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and activist, fierce advocator for the LGBTQAl+ community. Her music, which she defines as “MMP — Música de Mulher Preta” [Black Woman Music], addresses issues such as racism, homophobia, feminism, and love, fused with Funk, Reggae, and Soul beats. She has been performing in Brazil and Europe, both with her band and as a solo artist. In 2019, she released her first studio album, Igreja Lesbiteriana: Um Chamado, and in late 2022, Faminta.
Her concerts provide a space for enlightenment, provocation and motivation to fight for what she believes in.
Summer Garden
This event is part of the Summer Garden programme, which welcomes an eclectic group of artists from various cultural and musical backgrounds. Curated by Lisboa Criola and Dino D’Santiago. More info
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