About Time: The Gene Regulatory Dynamics of Neural Tube Development

Slider de Eventos

No IGC decorrem semanalmente diversos seminários, uma iniciativa que pretende reunir todos os investigadores em torno dos temas em debate.

As sessões, com investigadores internos ou convidados, contribuem para estimular a cultura aberta e extremamente colaborativa própria do IGC.

Pode consultar o resumo deste seminário em inglês.


The embryonic development of tissues is a dynamic process coordinated by intercellular signalling that direct gene regulatory networks to assign cell fate. At the same time tissue growth and differentiation alters the arrangement and number of cells, contributing to the elaboration of pattern. Together these mechanisms determine the pattern, pace, precision, and proportion of forming organs. Hence, accurate development and the specification of specialised cell types relies on the interplay of cellular and molecular processes. To understand this, quantitative approaches together with predictive and dynamical models are needed that allow the analysis of cellular differentiation dynamics and to determine principles of tissue development.


James Briscoe
The Francis Crick Institute, UK


Caren Norden


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