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Strategy 2018–2022

There has been a radical change in the country, across all areas in which the Foundation operates, especially after joining the European Union, and many of the needs which went unanswered 60 years ago, are now being catered for by various entities (State, Civil Society, etc.) working in the corresponding fields, freeing the Foundation to take on responsibilities of a different nature.

The global nature of today’s problems has resulted in shared agendas and the networking of international foundations as well as multidisciplinary and problem-focused approaches.

This change in context, alignment with the international agenda and accumulated experience has led to a change in the intervention model and the definition of new strategic priorities, which has resulted in the Foundation taking on the role of agent for change, developing knowledge and testing solutions for the critical problems facing humanity.


Reference strategic framework

The strategic priorities shall be reflected in all the Foundation’s activities, within the scope of its statutory goals and taking into account the different nature of the activities in question.



  • To the future, ensuring that the Foundation keeps abreast of the times, and anticipates the key issues that determine knowledge structures and the impact of technology on society, and which ensure the sustainability of natural resources and social systems.
  • To the most vulnerable, those who most need the support of the Foundation, and who as such should be the main beneficiaries of its activity.
  • To the importance of art and culture, the foundations of tolerance and mutual understanding.


  • To develop the Foundation as a whole, around the same vision, mission and priorities, increasing the social impact of its activities, strengthening the links between them, and leveraging the Foundation’s unique potential;
  • To position the Foundation, nationally and internationally, as a centre for reflection and debate (Forum), framing Portugal’s problems together with those of Europe and the World, in partnership with the main international foundations, think tanks and universities, contributing to the development of a model humanistic society and improving the dialogue between cultures;
  • To affirm the Foundation as a leading entity on this journey and ensuring the participation of new generations and new leaderships, and the development of abilities;
  • To pursue excellence in artistic activity with international relevance, reinforcing the civic dimension of culture, understood in a broad sense of creation, innovation and the promotion of culture accessibility to all citizens;
  • To emphasise the potential of the arts in questioning and promoting understanding and dialogue between different eras and civilisations, especially between the West and the East, taking advantage of the Founder’s legacy and collection, as well as the close relationship with Armenian Communities;
  • To pursue scientific activities of international relevance, with greater openness to collaboration, reinforcing the importance of communication in Science.
Updated on 07 december 2022

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