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Master’s in Impact Entrepreneurship and Innovation open for submissions

The Master's degree was created under the Nova SBE Gulbenkian Chair and starts in the 2021-2022 academic year.
© DR
07 jan 2021

Submissions for the Master’s in Impact Entrepreneurship and Innovation are now open. The degree was created in partnership between Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE) and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, under the Gulbenkian Chair on Impact Economics.

The Master’s, the first of its kind to be taught in Portugal, is designed to equip students, future leaders and entrepreneurs with the tools they need to tackle social and environmental problems through the companies for which they come to work or their future business ventures.

The course structure includes content that will enable students to identify problems and opportunities, design impact entrepreneurship projects, understand how to create and manage an impact startup, and define and monitor transformation metrics.

The Master’s degree will start in the next academic year (2021-2022).


Scholarships and Prizes

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will award scholarships, to cover tuition, to students with financial difficulties who wish to take the Master’s degree. The scholarship submissions and selection process will be managed by the university.

The best ideas emerging from the Master’s with the potential to become impact startups will also be rewarded.


Cycle of Webinars

A cycle of five monthly webinars will be hosted to provide information on the Master’s and to answer the questions of potential candidates. The first webinar is scheduled for 19 January. You can register for the first webinar here. Information on subsequent sessions will be made available in due course.


Regulation (PDF, 381 KB)


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