
Between May and August 2024, the Gulbenkian Foundation welcomes the exhibition Siza, dedicated to the work of one of the biggest names in architecture and urbanism. Curated by Spanish architect Carlos Quitáns, the exhibition gathers original material from Siza’s archives, as well as a collection of works that influenced his practice.

Designed by José Albergaria, the catalogue that accompanies this exhibition includes a set of original texts written by the curator, revisiting some of Siza’s key-projects, organised around 30 verbs that can be applied to architecture. Each verb is associated to three projects designed by the Portuguese architect, a total of 90 works.

Profusely illustrated with technical drawings, sketches by the architect and photos of the buildings he projected – taken by photographer Juan Rodríguez –, the publication also features nine essays written by invited architects: Carla Juaçaba, Diego Quirarte, Graça Correia Ragazzi, Inês Lobo, Juan Domingo Santos, Manuel Aires Mateus, Maruša Zorec, Nuno Grande and Solano Benítez.

Additionally, eight texts written by Álvaro Siza himself are republished. The publication concludes with a selection of exhibition views.

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Álvaro Siza Vieira, Carlos Quintáns, Carla Juaçaba, Diego Quirarte, Graça Correia Ragazzi, Inês Lobo, Juan Domingo Santos, Manuel Aires Mateus, Maruša Zorec, Nuno Grande and Solano Benítez
Editorial coordination:
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lisbon, 2024
300 x 215 x 30 mm
Updated on 30 august 2024

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