1st ed.

Irrequieta, Madalena Perdigão

'Heroínas das Artes' Collection – Catarina Sobral

‘Heroínas das Artes’ [Heroines of the Arts] is a collection of books for all those who believe that heroines exist. Based on the modern and contemporary art collection of CAM – Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian, we will tell stories about brave, adventurous, daring and fearless women who, through art, transform our world. The first number is dedicated to Madalena Perdigão.

Madalena was born next to the beach. She preferred swimming to sunbathing. She liked cows, baking and making music. She was also restless, and sometimes, saw the future. Madalena believed in the transformative power of the arts, and she revolutionised the cultural landscape of the Gulbenkian Foundation and all over the country.

Catarina Sobral (Coimbra, 1985) studied Design, did a Masters in Illustration and works as an illustrator and author of content for children. This is her 20th book. She has published illustrated books in more than fifteen languages. She has written and directed two animated films, created a stage show and produced a radio programme for children. Between books and films, she has won dozens of awards. Like Madalena, she also loves cows. And she’s a feminist.

Technical information

Catarina Sobral
Lisboa, 2024
CAM – Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian and Tinta-da-china
22,7 cm x 22,7 cm
Original title:
Irrequieta, Madalena Perdigão
Updated on 07 june 2024

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