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Creativity and Resilience

Art and Community Notebook N.02

Digital edition

PDF – 1.4 MB

Participatory art in a time of social isolation

The second volume of the “Art and Community Notebooks” series is penned by Isabel Lucena, an independent consultant specialising in arts management and evaluator of the PARTIS initiative. In her words, the text “stemmed from an urge to gather, record and share the broad range of experiences and learning triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic as it hit the projects that make up the third edition of the PARTIS initiative right in the midst of their creative development process”.

Following the opening chapter entitled “A global crisis”, which provides an overview of the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author shares and analyses the various responses from these projects to the challenges faced during the pandemic, identifying collective trends, expressing ideas and encouraging readers to reflect on and discuss issues affecting participatory art. The final chapter – “Reflections and learnings” – summarises the challenges, opportunities and conclusions drawn from this analysis.

Like the first volume (Ethics and Participatory Art), this notebook is available in digital format and free of charge, in Portuguese and English.

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Updated on 07 december 2022

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