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1st ed.

Let’s Talk About the Future of New Social Movements

Digital edition

PDF – 348.4 KB

Future Forum regularly publishes Gulbenkian Ideas from renowned personalities and authors in their fields. In short texts (from 5 to 10 pages) or testimonials on video, these personalities expose their position on a certain topic, clarifying and provoking the debate.

Donatella Della Porta underlines in her Gulbenkian Idea that new social movements have engaged and can be expected in the future to engage in democratic innovation. They experiment with new ideas in their internal life, prefiguring alternative forms of democratic politics and they spread these ideas within institutions. They not only transform democratic states through struggles for policy changes, but also express a fundamental critique of conventional politics, thus addressing meta-political issues and experimenting with participatory and deliberative ideas.

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Updated on 28 april 2022

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