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Theatre as a creative agent of personal and social change for single mothers


Promoter: Beira Serra – Associação de Desenvolvimento
Artistic Area: Theatre
Person in charge of the artistic area: Sílvia Pinto Ferreira
Person in charge of the social area: Marisa Marques
Territorial reach: Belmonte, Covilhã, Fundão
Duration: 24 months
SDG: 5. Gender equality, 10. Reduced inequalities

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The VELEDA project works with single mothers who are socially and economically vulnerable, living in the three municipalities of the Cova da Beira subregion.

The artistic proposition of the project is based on using theatre as a creative agent of individual and social transformation and focuses on two interlinked core activities: the social and artistic research labs for developing soft skills and an introduction to theatre practice, and the creation of a documentary theatre show with a professional artistic team.

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The project’s central activities include the development of initiatives that have an impact on how society views single parents, such as meeting groups, debates with guest speakers, the creation of scientific papers (in partnership with the University of Beira Interior), and the production of a documentary video.


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So far yet so close

Verónica and Zita are two single mothers who have had to face new challenges during confinement. Project VELEDA, supported by the PARTIS initiative, shows how art can help us make it through hard times.

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Sustainable Development Goals


This project contributes to the following SDG targets


Target 5.5

Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life

Target 10.2

Empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

Updated on 28 january 2021

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