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Cuidar e Não Só

Individualised and community support for home care using new technologies


Promoter: AVISO - Associação de apoio voluntário ao idoso só
Territorial reach: District of Castelo Branco
Target group: Isolated seniors
: 3 years
SDG: 3. Good Health and Well-being

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Home care based on neighbourhood relations and bringing people closer together using new technologies, namely specific software to stimulate contact between older people and their family and friends (SiosLIFE). A personalised plan is designed tailored to individual needs, which includes physical and psychosocial support for seniors and their families.  

Sustainable Development Goals


This project contributes to the following SDG target:


Target 3.4

By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.

Updated on 18 september 2020

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