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P de dança

The Gulbenkian and dance in Portugal

24 Jun – 04 Jul 2021

Throughout two long weekends, dance returns to the auditoriums of the Foundation with the performance of two dozen works created over recent years with support from the Gulbenkian and with some making their very first appearance in Portugal.

Programme selection under the curatorship of João dos Santos Martins and executive production of Xica Aires.

Since the disbanding of the Gulbenkian Ballet in 2005, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has focused its involvement in dance on awarding grants — for study, creation and internationalization — that fund independent contemporary dance projects from artists mainly at the start of their careers. In response to the invitation to create a programme that brings together a series of works funded by the Foundation, this show presents two dozen performances selected from more than a hundred which were awarded grants under the Gulbenkian Culture Programme between 2011 and 2017. The intensity of each of these shows and the ephemeral nature of dance itself explains why most have not been staged in several years. Some have never been performed in Lisbon or even in Portugal. As such, their re-performance contributes not only to a rethinking of the idea of the repertoire, but also to a renewed look at the shows from the perspective of the present.

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