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Reuse of audiovisual archives in Maputo – UPCycles

Four emerging artists and four young curators attended an artistic residency at the Maputo Fortress, with the support of the Gulbenkian Foundation.
03 may 2024

The ‘UPCycles – Audiovisual Creative Residency’ is an initiative of Associação Amigos do Museu do Cinema in Mozambique, which develops regular activities in the field of cinema and audiovisuals, both historical and contemporary. During the residency – which took place online from 23 February to 23 March and in person from 25 March to 6 April – the participants prepared works about public and private audiovisual archives, which are now on display at the Maputo Fortress.

The artists taking part, Lillian (Liliana Benny) and Phayra (Francisco Baloi) from Mozambique, and Hélio Buite and Fernando dos Santos from Angola, worked in pairs with four guest curators and the resident curator, Ângela Ferreira, and had the opportunity to recognise the importance of audiovisual heritage and the activation and reinterpretation of archive materials in contemporary art discourse.
The exhibition resulting from this residency will be on display until 5 May.

This residency is one of the projects being supported this year by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Partnerships with Africa programme, as part of the competition to support Visual Arts Residencies in the PALOP countries.  This initiative seeks to promote residencies by supporting artistic institutions, encouraging quality training, artistic production and mobility, establishing networks for knowledge sharing and encouraging the creation of opportunities for reflection, experimentation and dialogue between artists and other participants from the artistic scene.

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