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Gulbenkian Foundation grants emergency support to refugees from Ukraine

The 1 M€ support is destined for humanitarian organisations, which help refugees in border countries under most pressure, and for Ukrainian associations in Portugal.
18 mar 2022

Faced with the humanitarian drama arising from the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, which has so far made almost three million refugees – a number which according to the latest predictions may rise to 6.5 million – the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has decided to grant, in an initial phase, an emergency support of 1 million euros.

The President of the Gulbenkian Foundation considers that this is “an exceptional situation which requires everyone’s support, especially from institutions, like the Foundation, with a long history of helping migrants and the most vulnerable. Isabel Mota also states that “the Foundation may consider other measures, according to the evolution of the situation.”

The international component of this support was established following contacts with the international networks of which the Gulbenkian Foundation is a member, involving the coordination of philanthropic strategies to help the integration of refugees in the countries bordering Ukraine. The support will be granted through the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM).

A consensus was reached on the urgency of increasing the funds already allocated to support organisations helping people leaving Ukraine, in particular civil society organisations operating in the countries bordering the European Union where this effort is most significant. The work of NGOs, in countries of transit and destination, has been decisive in dealing with the largest humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since World War II.

At national level, support will be given to several Ukrainian associations, thus strengthening their structure and operation. These associations, together with local entities, have been actively involved in humanitarian support and refugee reception from the beginning, and are carrying out work that requires further support.

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