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Planning and Strategy Technical Officer

Applications until March 18

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is a private institution whose main purpose is to improve people’s quality of life through art, charity, science, and education. The Foundation carries out its activities from its headquarters in Lisbon, and from its branches in Paris and London.

We are looking for a Planning and Strategy Technical Officer to join the Planning and Strategy Department on a temporary basis, to replace a maternity leave estimated to last from May to November 2024, included.

Contractual conditions: Fixed-term employment contract

Main Responsibilities

  • Provide technical support to the various areas of the Foundation in preparing the respective Business Plan and Budget, and validate the information provided by such areas (financial data, business indicators, etc.).
  • Monitor the execution of the Business Plan and Budget of the various areas of the Foundation, namely by reviewing the financial information recorded in the system, and by supporting the various areas in complying with internal management standards.
  • Provide support in the preparation of the Foundation’s management reports, through the collection, systematic organisation, and review of financial and operational information.

Required skills

  • Graduate degree in Economics, Business Management, Finance, Accounting, or similar fields.
  • Skills sought: high analytical capacity, know-how in management accounting and financial control, fluent in written Portuguese and English languages, learning ability, and teamwork skills.
  • Significant experience in Excel, PowerBI and PowerPoint. Experienced in SAP and databases is also valued.
  • Minimum of 1 to 3 years of experience in similar positions is also valued.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation welcomes applications from all people, regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, disability or incapacity, particularly those who identify with under-represented groups in the various initiatives promoted by the Foundation.


Updated on 08 march 2024

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