Music Production Assistant
Applications until 22 Jan
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is a private institution whose main purpose is to improve people’s quality of life through art, charity, science, and education. The Foundation carries out its activities from its headquarters in Lisbon, and from its branches in Paris and London.
Gulbenkian Music promotes an educational programme with over 300 annual sessions divided into several areas of activity, such as Programming for Schools (musical and pedagogical visits, specific educational needs, commented concerts, attendance of open rehearsals, masterclasses); Music at School; Gulbenkian Supervised Training for Orchestra; Programming for Families; Programming for Youth and Adults; Special projects.
We are seeking to strengthen the Gulbenkian Music team with a Music Production Assistant.
Contractual conditions: Permanent Employment Contract.
Main Responsibilities
Required skills
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation welcomes applications from all people, regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, or disability, in particular of those who identify with underrepresented groups in the various initiatives promoted by the Foundation.