Climate action and public participation
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has created a credit facility for projects that promote public participation in climate action, aimed at municipalities and non-governmental organisations with the experience and ability to test new approaches that encourage participation in climate action or scale-up effective approaches.
This credit facility aims to create opportunities for the development and scalability of new approaches to public participation in climate action. Projects that make a direct and measurable contribution to the following are eligible for support:
Eligibility Requirements
How to apply
Yes. Applications must involve projects that fulfil the following objectives:
Projects can be carried out until March 2025 and are expected to start in April 2024.
This call for proposals is aimed at non-governmental organisations working in the environmental field and municipalities. Public or private non-profit organisations can apply for this credit facility.
Applicant institutions must meet the following requirements:
No, but it will be valued.
Proposing organisations may not submit more than one application, although they may be included as partner organisations in other applications. Partner organisations can be part of several applications.
Expenditure relating to the activities of potential partner organisations is eligible provided it directly contributes to the project’s activities and is duly provided for in the application. Expenses must be paid by the applicant organisation, which is the sole beneficiary of this credit facility.
Applications that fulfil the eligibility criteria will be assessed by a duly qualified independent jury, assisted by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Sustainability Programme team.
Projects will be assessed according to the following criteria: