Visual Cosmologies

Presentation of the research project

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Visual Cosmologies is a research and creation project in Design, conceived as a partnership between the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Art Library and Archives and Delli Press/Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa, which intends to interconnect, in an expanded way, the concepts of Archive, Collection and Book.

Initiated in the first half of 2023, one of the main objectives of this project is to stimulate the students’ relationship with a space for study, research and the production of knowledge, using the diversity of discourses present in the collections of the Art Library and Archives and other heritage collections of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation as working material, providing them with new readings and opening the possibility for situations of experimentation and creation.

The result of the first edition of Visual Cosmologies was presented to the public at the collective exhibition of Universidade Lusófona final-year students from the BA in Communication Design, BA in Photography and MA in Photography programmes, held at Pavilhão 31 in July 2023.

The presentation of Visual Cosmologies will be conducted by professors Hugo Barata, Luís Alegre, and Paulo T. Silva, who are responsible for the project at Universidade Lusófona.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation reserves the right to collect and keep records of images, sounds and voice for the diffusion and preservation of the memory of its cultural and artistic activity. For further information, please contact us through the Information Request form.

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