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The Attic

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Rodrigo Amado Tenor saxophone
Gonçalo Almeida Double bass
Onno Govaert Drums

In recent years, thanks to investing heavily in his international career, Rodrigo Amado has gained renown as one of the most prominent names in European improvised music. One of the projects that has most contributed to this is The Attic trio, which also comprises Gonçalo Almeida and Onno Govaert, whose third album, Love Ghosts, raises the group’s musical talents to a hugely lyrical and intense level. Their music feeds off the space created between the three of them and always finds surprising ways to occupy it. On the website All About Jazz, Troy Dostert wrote that, “[Amado’s] recordings offer the most complete glimpse of his prowess, and Love Ghosts could be his best yet.”


Duration 60 minutes


  • JazzM

Official Radio

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