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Summer School

Museums, Democracy and Citizenship

Event Slider


  • Wednesday, 17:30
  • Thursday, 09:30
  • Friday, 09:30


Auditorium 2 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The event will be broadcast live and available on this page, except for the masterclasses on September 27.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Museum is organizing its third Summer School, with the theme ‘Museums, Democracy and Citizenship’.


This three-day event will convene researchers, museum professionals and creative minds for a stimulating discussion on the civic role of museums citizenship practices for fostering democratic values and competencies.

The Summer School programme offers a diverse range of topics. The opening day examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence on museums. The second day focuses on sharing power, and discusses new approaches to exhibiting historical art, participatory curatorship and collaborative networks. The third and final day, dedicated to sharing systems, explores digital empowerment and the role of museums in the construction and contesting of historical identities.



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