Filipe Pereira and Teresa Silva
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Teresa Silva and Filipe Pereira are two choreographers from the same generation whose work is characterised by an interest in collaborative processes, which translates into diverse cocreations with other artists and informal collectives. What is left of what passes premiered in 2013 and is their first joint work, resulting from a certain fascination with the body’s exterior and the space that surrounds it. What is left of what passes is impressions, sensations, synthesised memories in a dumbstruck body passed over by materials, lights, and sound to create a visual choreography that rejects the linearity of meaning but creates a sensory fiction. Through the activation of precarious, fragile and banal materials, organic beings and natural phenomena can be seen, transporting the spectator to a place of amazement.
Filipe Pereira and Teresa Silva Creation, Performance, Lighting, Sound Design and Costumes
Teresa Silva Choreography
Filipe Pereira Set design
Rita Natálio Writing advice
Carlos Ramos Technical direction
Festival Materiais Diversos Coproduction
Excerto de Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune by Claude Debussy Music
Art residencies
O Espaço do Tempo, Residências ON/OFF (Guimarães 2012), Alkantara, Ponto de Encontro (Casa Municipal da Juventude, C.M. Almada), Centro Cultural do Cartaxo, O Rumo do Fumo, Atelier, Auditório Municipal Augusto Cabrita, EIRA/Teatro da Voz, Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas | Boavista
Vítor Alves Brotas | Agência 25 Administration
André Soares, Elizabete Francisca, Francisca Pinto, Maria Lemos Acknowledgements
Presentation cofinanced by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020 and European Union through the European Regional Development fund (Cohesion fund, European social fund, European structural and investment funds).
What is left of what passes received the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation grant for artistic creation in 2013.
Premiere: 13 September 2013, Festival Materiais Diversos, Fábrica da Cultura, Minde.
Teresa Silva (Lisboa, 1988) is a choreographer and a dancer. These two activities influence each other in her development as an artist. She embarked on her career in 2008, collaborating with national and international artists and moving mainly between Portugal, France and Italy. She studied at the National Conservatory’s School of Dance, the Higher School of Dance and the PEPCC - Choreographic Creation, Dance Research and Training Programme at Forum Dança.
Filipe Pereira (Fátima, 1986) is a choreographer, dancer and floral designer. His work has developed from a reflection on the hierarchy of the tools used in the scenic arts; the practice of attributing choreography to the performer’s body is thus spread out to the other elements that constitute a show, such as lighting and set design. He is interested in contemplating the natural decomposition of cut flowers and transforming this process into performance.He studied at the Higher School of Dance and attended the PEPCC - Choreographic Creation, Dance Research and Training Programme at Forum Dança.
Throughout two long weekends, dance returns to the auditoriums of the Foundation with the performance of two dozen works created over recent years with support from the Gulbenkian and with some making their very first appearance in Portugal. Program selection under the curatorship of João dos Santos Martins.
PROGRAMMEThe Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation reserves the right to collect and keep records of images, sounds and voice for the diffusion and collective preservation of the memory of its cultural and artistic activity. For further information, please contact us at [email protected].