Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 5

Gulbenkian Orchestra

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  • Violin, Direction

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor

Ballade for Orchestra, op. 33

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Violin Concerto No. 5, in A major, K. 219
— Intermission 20 min —

Antonín Dvořák

Symphony No. 8, in G major, op. 88

A child prodigy in his early years studying the violin, Pinchas Zukerman soon made a name for himself in the world of music, with Isaac Stern as his mentor. After a glittering career, his continued desire to study music further led him to combine the position of soloist with that of conductor. It was in this dual capacity that Zukerman returned to Gulbenkian Music to conduct works by Coleridge-Taylor and Dvořák and to play Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 with the Gulbenkian Orchestra. He is, as the Los Angeles Times has called him, an “eternally youthful virtuoso”.

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