Gulbenkian Home Care
Innovation in Home Care for the Elderly
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Auditorium 2 Calouste Gulbenkian FoundationThis event will be presented in Portuguese with interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language. It will be livestreamed and be available on this page.
The Gulbenkian Home Care initiative was designed to test innovative, integrated and multidisciplinary solutions in the provision of home care for older people, with a view to changing the paradigm in the provision of care.
At the conference, based on the results and impacts of the pilot projects, we will have different perspectives focused on improving care and systems.
14:00 / Opening Session
14:15 / New models of care in an ageing Europe: local actions, national responsibilities, global problems
14:45 / Focus on improving care and systems
16:15 / Gulbenkian Home Care: Good Practices in Home Support Services
17:30 / Capacity Building and the Digital Transition – Lessons Learned and Recommendations
17:50 / Evaluation of projects and the Gulbenkian Home Care initiative
18:10 / Path(s) of innovation in home care: a synthesis of challenges and opportunities
18:25 / Final notes and next steps for Gulbenkian Home Care
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