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Black Duck

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  • Sunday, 18:30


Grand Auditorium Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Douglas McCombs Electric guitar, Bass
Bill MacKay Electric guitar
Charles Rumback Drums


The Black Duck are a product of Chicago’s immense and thriving creative fertility. Douglas McCombs is known as the founder and driving force behind the post-rock band Tortoise and a member of Eleventh Dream Day. Bill MacKay has an extensive solo discography released by Drag City, while Charles Rumback has spread his drummer credits across much of the improvised music born in the city. As Black Duck, they take us to unorthodox blues or folk places, creating a succession of soundscapes from which we don’t feel like leaving. Although there was an impulse towards improvisation in the band’s first performances, the recording of the eponymous debut album, not excluding this element of vertigo, established a sound with superb visual and travelling qualities, which expand in concert.

Approximate duration: 60 min.

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