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Award ceremony for the Calouste Gulbenkian Prize and the Gulbenkian Prizes

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  • Thursday, 18:00


Amphitheatre R. Dr. Nicolau Bettencourt, Lisbon
Founder’s Day

On 20 July, the date of annual commemorations of the death of Calouste Gulbenkian and which this year coincides with the closure of the Jardim de Verão, there will be a series of celebratory events taking place beginning at 6pm with the delivery of the Gulbenkian Prizes in the new categories of Cohesion, Sustainability and knowledge and as well as the Calouste Gulbenkian Prize that distinguishes projects standing out in the field of defending human rights and followed by a performance by the Gulbenkian Orchestra, conducted by José Eduardo Gomes with the soloists Agostinho Sequeira (percussion) and Haïg Sarikouyoumdjian (duduk), playing works by Jennifer Higdon and Ludwig van Beethoven.


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