The Gulbenkian Home Care initiative is based on the recommendations of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030) and the unequal and asymmetrical access to senior care in Portugal.
The initiative is designed to encourage the implementation of outreach projects that preserve the intrinsic and functional abilities of older people through the provision of integrated and continued care in place, at home and in the community, with individual plans, provided by competent professionals, respecting the rights of older people.
Gulbenkian Home Care is being tested in 15 different regions on mainland Portugal and the islands, through pilot projects coordinated by different organisations that promote service and health and social care integration. These organisations receive financial support and technical monitoring from the Foundation, and support and training from MAZE Impact, with evaluation carried out by CINTESIS – Centre for Health Technology and Services Research of the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute of the University of Porto.
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1st Home Care Projets Meeting at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
The 15 projects are developing activities for 950 older people and involve around 80 professionals:
Tempo de Cuidar 3.0 (Time to Care 3.0)
This project aims to broaden the scope of care that the organisation already provides in terms of physical and emotional health, certification and differentiation. Psychological support, physical therapy and occupational therapy is now also offered alongside medical and nursing care.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Porto Metropolitan Area Promoter: Benéfica e Previdente - Associação Mutualista
Cuid@r+ (Care+)
This project offers an integrated response that prioritises digital transformation, team training and supervision, and the introduction of technological solutions for monitoring health parameters, with a view to improving care, autonomy and quality of life.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Lower Alentejo Region Promoter: Cáritas Diocesana de Beja
Cada Casa é um caso (Each person is unique)
This project aims to provide neighbourhood services, with longer opening hours, focusing on specific areas such as health, rehabilitation, cognitive stimulation (at home or in social spaces in the community), social support and training for formal and informal carers.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Aveiro Region Promoter: Centro Paroquial de S. Bernardo
S@RKIS: A smart platform for seniors and their carers
This project aims at developing an integrated home care model with different services and areas of expertise, including the creation of a digital platform to strengthen the emotional dimension, training, information and the empowerment of users and their carers.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Ave Region Promoter: Centro Social da Irmandade de S. Torcato
Em Casa Con’Vida (Dignified living at home) - Support for older people and their carers in a home setting
This project focuses on forming multidisciplinary teams, suited to the identified physical, mental and social needs of older people and their informal carers. The aim is to combat the social isolation of older people and their carers through personalised actions in the home.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Alto Minho Promoter: Centro Social e Paroquial de Lavradas
Home 360
This project aims at developing a specialised community/home response for people with dementia and their carers. The goal is to avoid early institutionalisation, to promote proximity, accessibility and continuity of care, to encourage links with community resources, and to empower people with dementia and their carers in adapting to the disease.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Lisbon Metropolitan Area Promoter: Instituto S. João de Deus
Dar Continuidade (Ensuring Continuity)
This project aims at increasing the number of users covered and diversifying care by providing telecare services, equipment and materials to support functionality and autonomy (technical aids), psychological support, and training for carers.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Beira Baixa Region Promoter: Centro de Dia de S. Silvestre de Escalos de Baixo
Kinisuru| EnvelheSer (Dignified Ageing)
This project aims to ensure and extend the support already provided, guaranteeing an individualised care plan, provided by an interdisciplinary team that integrates health and social care (social worker, psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, nurse).
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Lisbon Metropolitan Area Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Venda do Pinheiro
Projeto + Próximo (Proximity Care)
This project aims at diversifying the range of care provided to improve users' functional abilities and reduce hospitalisation and emergency room visits. It hopes to achieve these goals by using technological solutions for monitoring users and training carers.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: The Algarve Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Albufeira
Sorrisos ao Domicílio (Smile at Home)
This project aims at diversifying the range of care provided by the home care service, through physical and cognitive stimulation and rehabilitation sessions, socialising and sharing among peers, and walks. It also includes theory-based and practical training, capacity-building and information sessions.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Lisbon Metropolitan Area Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Almada
Domus Vitae
This project aims to improve the physical and mental health of older people, preventing illness, by forming a multidisciplinary team and providing physical therapy and psychological support, including individual and group monitoring and rehabilitation.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Trás-os-Montes Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Bragança
My SAD - O meu Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (My Home Care Service)
This project aims to provide an innovative response for home care, focusing on geriatric psychomotricity. It also aims to develop the "Cuidadora São” system, a virtual carer, available via telephone, who tracks and monitors health data, therapies and emotional support.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Upper Alentejo Region Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Campo Maior
Mértola_Cuida em casa (Mértola Home Care)
This project focuses on preventive care and the physical and mental health rehabilitation of home care service users by introducing occupational therapy, creating a network of volunteers who regularly visit users, and developing cultural activities in the community.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: Lower Alentejo Region Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mértola
Promoção da Autonomia da Pessoa Idosa (Promoting the autonomy of older people)
This project aims to improve the quality of the home care service provided by investing in digital solutions that allow for better follow-up and monitoring of users, and in the acquisition of technical aids that improve the care provided.
Area of intervention: New home care models Location: The Azores - S. Miguel Island Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vila Franca do Campo
Aqui ao lado (By Your Side)
This project introduces different technological solutions to improve the quality of the services provided and bring families closer to older people.
Area of intervention: New home care models Locations: Beiras and Serra da Estrela Regions Promoter: Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Fundão