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New Care Models

The Gulbenkian Home Care initiative is based on the recommendations of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030) and the unequal and asymmetrical access to senior care in Portugal.

The initiative is designed to encourage the implementation of outreach projects that preserve the intrinsic and functional abilities of older people through the provision of integrated and continued care in place, at home and in the community, with individual plans, provided by competent professionals, respecting the rights of older people.

Gulbenkian Home Care is being tested in 15 different regions on mainland Portugal and the islands, through pilot projects coordinated by different organisations that promote service and health and social care integration. These organisations receive financial support and technical monitoring from the Foundation, and support and training from MAZE Impact, with evaluation carried out by CINTESIS – Centre for Health Technology and Services Research of the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute of the University of Porto.

The 15 projects are developing activities for 950 older people and involve around 80 professionals:

Tempo de Cuidar 3.0 (Time to Care 3.0)

Cuid@r+ (Care+)

Cada Casa é um caso (Each person is unique)

S@RKIS: A smart platform for seniors and their carers

Em Casa Con’Vida (Dignified living at home) - Support for older people and their carers in a home setting

Home 360

Dar Continuidade (Ensuring Continuity)

Kinisuru| EnvelheSer (Dignified Ageing)

Projeto + Próximo (Proximity Care)

Sorrisos ao Domicílio (Smile at Home)

Domus Vitae

My SAD - O meu Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (My Home Care Service)

Mértola_Cuida em casa (Mértola Home Care)

Promoção da Autonomia da Pessoa Idosa (Promoting the autonomy of older people)

Aqui ao lado (By Your Side)

Updated on 16 july 2024

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