Transitions in Later Life Learning Community
The Transitions in Later Life programme ran from 2014-19, with the aim of supporting people in mid-life to manage changes as they age. The TiLL learning community was established in 2016. It is made up of a core cohort of projects which were funded by the UK Branch to test and adapt new approaches to pre-retirement support, as well as wider projects supported under the programme. You can read a blog about this groupwork by one of our community members here. You can read a summary of learning that has emerged from running the learning community in 2016-17 here.
The learning community models the participatory approach taken by the UK Branch to working with our partners. With this approach we aim to move beyond data collection to the generation of learning and develop strong networks to enhance the impact of our work.
November 2018 was the last learning community meeting that was coordinated by the UK Branch and the Centre for Ageing Better (CfAB). However, the group expressed their desire to coordinate meet ups in 2019, to increase understanding about transitions and secure better support for people in mid to later life.
To find out more about the learning community, read summaries of our meetings here: