Requirements of Partners

When we work in partnership, we collaborate closely with organisations to collectively achieve our shared goals. The following section sets out the key requirements we ask of our partners.  



We require partners to submit interim and/or final reports, summarising achievements, challenges, lessons learned, future plans and financial updates. These reports help us to understand the impact of our funding and improve future work.  

Photographs, videos and media 

When possible, we ask partners to provide high-quality photographs and videos of the work we support.  These may be featured in our annual report, on our website, and in other materials. Please ensure that you have obtained all necessary rights and consent to share this media, particularly for photos and videos of children under 18. 

Communications and publications 

The Foundation invests in communications and advocacy for the work that we support. We encourage partners to share their successes and lessons widely and we support this to happen effectively. We ask partners to keep us informed about their communications activities and key moments for impact reporting. We can assist in amplifying these stories through our website, social media and newsletters. We also offer support for communications strategies and are available to contribute to partners’ reports and press releases where relevant.  

We are open to speaking at relevant events; please coordinate with your relevant programme manager, who will liaise with the UK Branch’s Head of Advocacy and Communications. 

Acknowledgements and branding 

Please acknowledge the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in all relevant external communications (digital, print, and online) and use our logo as appropriate. We also ask partners to inform us of any publicity or events related to the supported work so that we may assist in amplification. 

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning 

We believe that continuous monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) is key to delivering lasting impact. As a funder, we embed MEL throughout the lifecycle of our programmes – from initial design to delivery and onto the dissemination of results


Each partnership is guided by mutually agreed outcomes, outlined in our Partnership Agreement. We expect the organisations and initiatives that we support to contribute to these outcomes, and we work flexibly with partners to assess progress throughout the funding period. Regular reporting and open communication about any changes or challenges are encouraged to foster ongoing learning and adaptation.

Please see our briefing guide for partners for further details.

Updated on 09 january 2025

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