
The artistic proposal of this project is to unite the participants, the majority of whom are migrants or descendants of migrants living in Almada, around the creation of a show. The work process, which comprises three stages (training, creation, performance), sought to develop skills such as building trust in the body, in our imaginations, in our voice and in the importance of making these voices that go unheard in global communities heard.
Using a participatory, humanistic and collaborative approach, the goal is for participants to become multipliers of social transformation. Just like the bird of passage after which the project is named, the aim is for participants to gain wings and fly, not because they feel threatened but because they feel empowered and free, leading others, by inspiration and example, to fly with them.
Corre-Mundos, with artistic direction by choreographer Filipa Francisco, was one of the 16 projects supported in the 1st edition of the PARTIS & Art for Change initiative and culminated with the performance Tuntunhi, in January 2023, in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Grand Auditorium.
About Tuntunhi
Tuntunhi, which in Cape Verdean Creole means to “weave” or “intertwine”, depicted, through the performance, the paths travelled, the journeys taken from the place of origin, the objects-memory of these outer and inner journeys, and the sharing of experiences.