Ageing Portugal Recommendations

Although we live in an increasingly ageing society, there is still a predominantly negative view of ageing, stereotypes about older people, who are often seen by society as fragile, sick and dependent people.
Such negative perceptions of ageing and the stereotypes associated with older people necessarily lead to disrespect for their rights, exclusion and marginalisation of those in vulnerable situations, and often to crime and violence.
Being aware that violence against older people is both a growing and invisible phenomenon and that it is absolutely necessary to reverse that negative view of older people, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) developed the initiative Portugal Mais Velho.
The reflection, set out in the Ageing Portugal Report, was based on a selection of topics directly related to violence against older people and also on other relevant issues, even if not directly related to that phenomenon, because it is understood that violence against older people, or at least part of it, is a manifestation of the widespread negative perception and constant violation of the autonomy of older people.
After selecting these topics, more than 80 professionals were interviewed and almost 40 older people were consulted, as well as informal caregivers or relatives who provide care to older people. In addition to these consultations, an extensive and in-depth literature review was carried out by APAV for about one year.
All this resulted in a Report that presents the conclusions and recommendations made within the Portugal Mais Velho project – these are presented in an easy-to-understand format and from an interdisciplinary (rather than just multidisciplinary) point of view.
After this in-depth reflection, a list of 30 recommendations have been made, addressed to a range of public and private entities with the aim of contributing to the reflection on legislation, public policies and practices in Portugal on the rights of older people.
Technical information
- Edited:
- 2020
- Original title:
- Ageing Portugal Recommendations