Gulbenkian 15-25 Participa
The initiative Gulbenkian 15-25 Participa (take part) aims to inform the decisions that are taken during the strategic planning of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation by considering the experiences, perspectives and recommendations of young beneficiaries of projects financed by the Foundation.
To keep on improving and perfecting its work, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation heard youngsters over the age of 15 that take part in some of its projects and initiatives on the following subjects:
- what it means to be young in today’s world and in Portugal;
- the main opportunities for the young;
- the challenges faced by younger generations.
With the support of the team from ComParte, the focus of this audition was the personal experience of each young participant and the constant questioning about the experiences that have defined and structured their lives.
The different stages of the project
Presentation and context
Workshops and work method
The challenge
The moment when the challenge was made to youngsters so that they could contribute with their knowledge to the process of reflection and to the improvement of the strategies of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
The impact of systems and projects
Sessions to get to know the interests and needs felt by youngsters according to the different projects they take part in and the society they live in.
The Foundation of our dreams
Recommendations and time for reflection on the projects and activities that youngsters idealize.
The conclusions and the Manual
The contents of what the youngsters shared during the workshops were recorded and will be analysed in January 2021. They will serve as guidelines for the making of a manual that will gather their experiences and recommendations to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to be handed in February 2021.
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